Disgraceland hero
Sound of our Town
Dear young rocker hero
Created and hosted by award-winning author/musician Jake Brennan, Disgraceland is a music and true crime podcast: Guns ‘N Roses inciting a riot, Jerry Lee Lewis getting away with murder, Jay Z’s nightclub stabbing, the Rolling Stones’ drug trafficking, the murder of Sam Cooke, Frank Sinatra’s relationship with the mafia, Cardi B’s admitted robberies and many more gripping stories just like these featuring the likes of Madonna, Eminem, the Grateful Dead and others have made Disgraceland the most downloaded music podcast in the world. In the last two years, Disgraceland has won the Webby award for Best Podcast (General Series-Music), received the award for Best Music Podcast at the iHeart Music awards and has been named to multiple Apple Podcasts year-end “Best Of” lists.